Tortiglioni, are one of many varieties of maccherone, one of the oldest pasta originating from Naples. The name refers to its shape, which literally means to wrap in a spiral with a characteristic pattern from the lathe used in pasta production. Its best suited with full-bodied sauces; excellent served with succulent, meat-based sauces. It is suitable for oven-baked pastas.
Ingredients for 3 people Recipe
400 g Tortiglioni n^23 Boil the cauliflower in salted water over low heat. Meanwhile, wilt the thinly-sliced 1 cavolfiore di mezza grandezza onion together with the oil in a frying pan. Add the peeled tomatoes after having 400 g di pomodori pelati removed the core and the seeds and reduce by simmering for five minutes. Add 1 cipolla bianca di media grandezza the boiled cauliflower and salt and pepper to taste. Cook the tortigllioni in plenty of 5 cucchiai di olio extra virgin olive oil boiling, salted water. Drain the pasta and combine it with the sauce in the frying pan, qb sale, pepe e basilico add a good handful of roughly chopped up basil, pepper and, if desired, a handful Pecorino cheese.